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All you need is a dumbbell.
Blake Lively's body didn't come easy, but her workouts are satisfyingly BS-free. Typical of the grounded actor and her notoriously straight-talking trainer Don Saladino, there are no fads or TikTok-inspired trends; she just commits to three or four hour-long sessions every week, and together they get results. We'll go into the nitty gritty in a mo, but here's a quick overview of Saladino's thinking.
He takes a no-fuss performance physique approach, focusing on attainable changes that actually make a difference, not only to strength and tone but resilience and energy—which explains why his celeb roster of athlete and actor clients (oh HEY there, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt) stay with him after their movie role bods have been achieved.
He's all about taking a holistic view of improving health and wellbeing; factoring in one's stress levels, sleep, nutrition, movement and lifestyle so, rather than exhausting your energy reserves, he ensures clients stick to three or four efficient seshs a week.
'If someone’s work schedule is out of control and they’re having no time with their children or they’re too tired when it comes to exercising, I can optimise their time and allow them the other days of rest and recovery', says Saladino. 'We're all athletes — even if someone's not shooting a movie role, adults have to chase their kids or sit at their desk all day long.'
Now for the good bit — an example full-body circuit, straight from the main man himself.
Times a week: 3-4 times
Don's form tip: Breathe into your lats, feeling a stretch in the muscles of the upper back. Big inhale, big exhale to get us out of that kyphotic position.
Don's form tip: You can use your hands for support but overtime try to make the transition to the other side with the hands off the floor.
Don's form tip: Don't arch the lower back, instead squeeze your glutes and apply pressure forward so you feel a light stretch from the quad to the hip flexor.
Don's form tip: Take the movement slowly; arch from lower, middle to upper back, then drop chin to chest, moving into the lower, middle and upper. This one is phenomenal for thoracic extension, for those of you who sit a lot.
Don's form tip: Use a rack or support system if you're struggling to balance.
Don's form tip: Keep a natural arch in the lower back.
Muscles worked: Triceps, lats, chest shoulders, glutes,
Don's form tip: Squeeze your glutes, creating tension in the glutes and lats, lower while keeping the body in a straight line and avoiding a tip in the back.
Muscles worked: Quads, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors
Don's form tip: Use your arms to project into a soft landing.
Muscles worked: Core, shoulders, glutes
Don's form tip: Use a challenging weight and make sure your shoulders are level.
Muscles worked: Glutes , quads, hamstrings
Don's form tip: If you find your spine starting to arch as you lower, start with the weights slightly higher.
Muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, triceps
Don's form tip: Make sure your elbow is directly beneath your hand and stay controlled.
Don's form tip: Step your feet slightly wider than shoulder width with your toes pointing out.
Don's form tip: Keep the back neutral, avoiding rounding of the spine and shoulders.